Sunday, February 10, 2013

Hymn: The Sweetness of Christ Love

 This hymn came out of an assignment on the Anglican Mystical Poet Richard Rolle. It is an adaptation of stanzas 2, 6, 7, 9, 11, and 12 of his poem "The Sweetness of the Love of Jesus". It can be fit to any LM tune but I am particularly fond of singing it to "Conditor Alme Siderum" which is the tune for Hymn 26, "O Gracious Light, Lord Jesus Christ" in the 1982 Hymnal.

I pray oh Christ that life teach me,
after thy love to have longing.
And firmly set my heart on thee
So in thy love to have living.

Christ likeness in my soul is set.
And all this world for me is wrought.
The Father seeks my love to get
For to heaven he’ll have me brought.

As Mother do I know God well
Before my birth she knew me sure
And next with water washed my ‘til
The ill of sin was surely cured.

Brother and sister be God too
For Jesus said in teachings pure,
That if it is God’s will we do
Then we shall be Christ’s siblings sure

Christ’s love endures beyond all things,
all earthly loves that may be here,
gives an eternal wedding ring,
well ought I now to love God dear.

Christ’s life becomes the fullest kiss
To be my Lord Christ truly yearns.
Jesus is named the king of bliss
His love I yearneth so to learn.

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